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Doctor Who’s Seasons 8 and 9 Will Not Be Split


Doctor Who’s Seasons 8 and 9 Will Not Be Split

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Column Doctor Who

Doctor Who’s Seasons 8 and 9 Will Not Be Split


Published on January 10, 2014


Something to get excited for, Whovians? It looks as though, after a few years of scheduling shuffles, Doctor Who is finally coming back to form! That is, we will no longer have split seasons. Praise the Cyberlord!

In an interview with Doctor Who Magazine, Steven Moffat revealed that they will not be splitting the upcoming seasons:

“We’re not going to do splits, and the same format will repeat exactly the following year like that — so it will be the traditional form.”

Which means that Seasons 8 and 9 will air in the exact same manner that 1-5 did. So exciting! We can only assume that this is in effort to mke sure that fans will get to know Peter Capaldi’s Doctor as quickly as possible—important when you’re introducing someone new, and someone who will likely be quite different from his predecessor.

Which means we’ll be getting quite a lot of new Who in the next two years. Season 8 has already started shooting, and we can’t wait to see what Capaldi’s costume looks like!

News via Zap2it.

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Stubby the Rocket


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